![]() Its been some time since I posted an update. Debbie and I have been so busy since we got back from my Proton Therapy In October. I went back to playing softball within 2 weeks of getting back and have won at least 3 tourneys and played in many. Its like I never left - Many are amazed at my performance. Debbie and I walk at least 2-3 times week on Siesta Key Beach (#1 beach in the US) - walk 4 miles - which is something we started the 6 weeks I had treatments. It relaxes us, we stay fit and just love being together. To be honest, we both said on New Years Eve we had even forgotten I had Prostate Cancer. I know Debbie said she had not thought about it since we got back because she knew it was gone. She never doubted it would not be. I have to agree with her now. What an amazing feeling. (Unfortunately, she went thru cancer 10 years ago and had treatments for several years, so it was much different for her - she is cancer free and has been for many years now.) We continue to eat organic and take supplements that keep us free of cancer and will not ever change that. We know what you eat and drink makes a huge difference. (She intends to post the diet and supplements (and life changes) we take daily in the next 2 weeks.) The most important part of this post is to let everyone know that there have been NO side efects whatsoever during (very minor when I started it) or since my Proton Therapy was completed. What an awesome thing. Thanks to the changes in my diet, Proton Therapy at UF Proton Therapy Institute with incredible doctors and staff, plus my incredible wife pushing me and at my side, I am cancer free and happier and healthier than I have ever been. Life is Good.
![]() Good News ~~ Research and talking to many former patients, we were told that the PSA level would be extremely high (as high as 8 or 9) immediately after treatment. The average person or research told us that it would take 6 months - one year to get in the low ranges 2 and below. John had to be tested the day after treatment ended and again in 6 months. ![]() All treatments were at the University of Florida Health Proton Therapy Institute (UFHPTI Facility). There are 3 Gantry's (also called Proton Rooms). 3 techs are in each treatment room - 18 techs in all. 9 in each shift (7-3) (3-11). This is quite an operation - 100 plus patients treated daily. Every patient receives a lanyard with your name and a scan bar. When you come into the facility, you scan in, drink 24 oz. water 30 - 45 minutes before your appointment, then they come out and escort you to the Gantry's for your treatment. Each treatment lasts about 20 minutes with set up and a one minute Proton treatment. The UFHPTI website updates every 5 minutes all day on the status of all 3 gantry's - any delays or if they are ahead of times, is updated on the website all day. ![]() We found a great condo to stay for Johns 6 week treatment when we get approved for the UF Proton Therapy Institute. We are so fortunate that we found this condo on the beach near the center for Johns treatments - Most of the places available for rent were just not safe or what we wanted for 6 weeks of being away from home. We were lucky to find this one which is on the Atlantic Ocean - 45 minutes away - but well worth it. John will need some peaceful place to relax, play golf or whatever he chooses. ![]() Pictures of Decorations made by the children being treated in thanks for the Treatment given to them at UF Proton Therapy Institute. That was one of the hardest parts of the trip was seeing the children mainly being treated for brain cancers. But the good thing is they are being saved by this treatment. Aud's Chimes - these are in the main Lobby and are rung when you have your final treatment for all to celebrate - see pictures below. Debbie ![]() Update on Phase 2 at UF Proton Therapy Institute and my journey thru Prostate Cancer with the discovery of Proton Therapy Thru August 6, 2017 Thanks to all who are helping with our house while we are gone. Phase 2 Treatments at the UF Proton Therapy Institute are now complete and the hardest part of all is over. The facility is incredible - everyone there is so happy, unlike how it was when Debbie had cancer and was getting treatment. ![]() These are the Lessons Learned so far in my journey thru Prostate Cancer and the discovery of Proton Therapy Thru August 6, 2017 LESSONS LEARNED After turning 50 get your PSA checked annually. VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you know what NOT TO DO BEFORE YOU TAKE THE TEST Click Here to Read If your PSA is over 4.0 your physician will recommend and refer you to a urologist. |
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