MedPage Today recently published an article telling the story of a retired plastic surgeon’s nightmare. Dr. Fred Becker, Jr. was especially cautious because his father and older brother died from prostate cancer and another brother, who died from cardiovascular disease, also had prostate cancer. Dr. Becker was initially diagnosed with low risk, low volume, Gleason 6 cancer. But a mistake was later made on follow-up testing. His MRI records were accidentally switched and he was told he had aggressive cancer that needed aggressive treatment. Thanks to the Brotherhood of the Balloon for the article Click the link below to read the full story. Click here Special Reports > A Patient's Journey
MedPage Men, Beware of Biopsies for Prostate Cancer Dx Physicians often downplay the risks
Two new studies are bursting the bubble about the value of screening men for prostate cancer. In 2010, I wrote a free book on prostate cancer testing with two colleagues, Alex Barratt (an epidemiologist) and Martin Stockler (a clinical oncologist), Let sleeping dogs lie? What men should know before getting tested for prostate cancer. It has been downloaded just short of 38,000 times, the highest of any item in Sydney University’s open access repository. |
Prostate Cancer InfoProstate Cancer Information Archives
November 2018